Renault+Waze integration
Good news, prospective Renault buyers! As one of the most innovative auto brands in the world, the team behind Groupe Renault has just become the first to incorporate Waze with its in-car multimedia systems. The first wave of Waze will initially be rolled out in European countries for Nouvel Austral and Mégane E-Tech electric customers whose vehicles are equipped with the OpenR screen and the OpenR Link interface, with integrated Google.
So, what’s the big deal? If you’ve never used it before, here’s the gist with regards to Waze. Powered and used by drivers all over the world, it’s a much-lauded real-time road assistant and community-driven navigation map app that uses real-time data from its users to provide the best route to the user’s destination.
In short, this social navigation tool for private cars allows drivers to skip routes with accidents, traffic jams, speed traps, construction and other hindrances that could slow them down. Drivers can also store a list of friends on the app so that they can keep track of each other on a trip, or spot a friend in the vicinity.
Now that Renault has integrated the application directly with the multimedia systems of select vehicles, drivers will enjoy the convenience and safety of having access to real-time traffic information, favourite routes and saved destinations on the eye-level screen without using their smartphone. Best of all – music and other vehicle features will remain accessible even when Waze is in use.
According to Jérôme Seror, Director of Digital Customer Experience at Renault, the decision to incorporate Waze is in line with their overarching strategy of offering customers an intuitive, immersive and connected driving experience. Aron Di Castro, Director of Marketing and Partnerships at Waze, agreed that the partnership between the two companies was a seamless one.
In short, motorists who purchase the Nouvel Austral and Mégane E-Tech electric will now be able to enjoy the benefits of full integration with the popular live mapping app via a 12-inch vertical-screen infotainment system without relying on ongoing smartphone mirroring.
See, that’s how we like to do things – give motorists what they want, and pave the way for more satisfying driving experiences across the board. To learn more about the current Renault models we have on our showroom floors in Johannesburg and Stellenbosch, get in touch with Group1 Renault. Let’s get you behind the wheel of the vehicle made for living.