Renault Design Academy – Vehicle Designers at Work
Do you believe in fairy tales? Well, Renault’s post owls have winged their way out into the wide world to call a group of talented youngsters to the place where magic happens. No, not Hogwarts. Renault Design, India.
Six budding vehicle designers will step foot in the brand new Renault Design Academy in Chennai, India on the 3rd of April 2017. These six chosen individuals were hand picked by a select panel of Renault judges from among an international group of four hundred applicants on the strength of their creativity and talent. The new Renault Design Studio boasts the latest in vehicle design facilities and technology as well as a faculty of twelve veteran Renault Designers from France and India to provide tutelage and guidance.

Exterior Concept Sketch – Renault Design Academy
Once there, our budding designers will spend their first six months being groomed and receiving instruction on everything from French Automobile Design to Digital Modelling, before being assigned their Project. The capital is deserved, since this Project will culminate, at the end of its term, in a full fledged presentation to top level management. Not to mention that the two best performing graduates will be rewarded with permanent job offers, from Renault, as designers.
What this Project might be and what it might entail is, at this point, a mystery. The end result might not be the Philosopher’s Stone (said to grant immortality and transmute base metals into gold) but it is certain to translate (for at least two of the graduates) into some serious industry notoriety and financial windfall. We, the public, can only trust that it will also translate into the kind of fantastical innovation and creative excellence we’ve come to expect of Renault over the years.

Interior Concept Sketch – Renault Design Academy
This is not the first time Renault has thrown open the doors to its prestigious internships and it has previously recruited diamonds in the rough from Brazil, France, Korea and Romania as well as India. Vice President of Advanced Design and the Head of Renault Design India Studios, Patrick Lecharpy, said that the Project would afford the graduates the much awaited opportunity to “unleash their creative abilities and skills”.
An exciting opportunity to say the least. It’s enough to make one regret not being born a design-wiz… The rest of us muggles will have to be content to wait for the last term of 2017 to see the efforts of the six chosen ones driving off the cover of a glossy magazine.